Essential books for gospel-centered parenting

Essential books for gospel-centered parenting!

Having trouble finding the books to help you in your parenting journey? Need a few recommendations to help? Well look no further, because here are 5 books that will help you in  discipling your family! Click on the photos or the links below them to find them on amazon!

1. The New City Catechism

This is a great way for you to teach answers related to God, human nature, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and more! It is designed in a way that is easy to remember so that when big questions in life pop up, students (and parents!) will be equipped with how to answer them. 52 questions means you can study one per week and in a very simple way help disciple your teens!
Pick it up here for just $9.99!

2. Parenting

If you are a parent of teenagers, you know how challenging and rewarding it can be. You want to guide your children in the right direction, but you also want to respect their individuality and choices. You need more than just tips and tricks to deal with the daily struggles and joys of parenting. You need a biblical vision that can transform your family.

That’s why you should read Parenting by Paul David Tripp. This book is not a list of dos and don’ts, but a collection of 14 gospel principles that can radically change your perspective and practice as a parent.  Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, this book will help you discover the joy and power of gospel-centered parenting.
Buy it here (on sale!) for $14.50!

3. Family Discipleship

This book is not a typical parenting book that gives you tips and tricks for raising well-behaved kids. It is a book that helps you develop a vision and a plan for leading your family in gospel-centered discipleship. It shows you how to use three key areas of family life: time, moments, and milestones, to intentionally teach your children about God’s grace, law, identity, process, and purpose. Don't miss learning about the joy of family discipleship! 
Buy it here (on sale!) for $18.39!

4. Age of Opportunity

In this book, the aim is more to help parents in how to best offer wisdom and correction. This book shows how to apply the gospel to the unique spiritual struggles of your child’s heart.This is a great book!
Buy it here (on sale!) for $16.19!

5. Parenting God's Way

While there are endless parenting opinions out there that we could listen to, there is truly only one book that is sufficient in what we need, and that is God's Word. What does the Bible say about parenting? In this book, Alistair Begg explains what Scripture lays out for parents, and how we can achieve that.
Buy it here (on sale!) for $16.19!
*Update, this one is now sold out, but is reprinting! Check back later!*
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