Lay Ministry Leadership
Lay Leadership Roles and Responsibilities
Deacons are a Biblical Office found in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3. The New Testament teaches us that Deacons are to serve and care for the practical needs of the church body. Deacons are nominated and approved by the church family and focus on caring for the needs of the body, church discipline, the Lord's Supper, and Counseling.
Our current Deacons are,
Martin Bauer, Bill Marriott, Bryan Yantis, Otis Ray, Steve Franks, Sean Hall, Henry Zigan
Church Council
The Church Council serves as an advisory board to the Senior Pastor and assists with administrative responsibilities. The council is nominated and approved by the church family.
Our current Church Council members are,
Dan Wiley, Jarred Murphy, Sam Eppley, Scott Fisher, Mitchell Farmer, Kyle Huston